AI Detector Pro

Detect and remove AI. Fast.

We help you find the detectable signs of AI and remove them.

AIDP now detects AI in Español, Français, Deutsch, العربية, and Português writing too!

Got code? Check out AI Detector Pro Code.

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Join over 100,000 users saving time and money by humanizing and detecting AI with AIDP

AIDP includes automatic and manual tools for revising content that was written by ChatGPT and other AI models.

"Intuitive and works flawlessly" - Harsh Agarwal, ShoutMeLoud

"Its advanced technology ensures accurate and reliable results" - Kene Muoghalu, Business Yield

"Doesn’t just scan for AI-generated content, but it’s an entire suite" - Brendan Aw

Complete solution

AIDP is a comprehensive platform to help you find and remove the AI in documents.

See what triggers AI detection
AIDP detects AI in English, Spanish, French, Arabic and German documents. From there, it highlights text in your document that is likely to trigger AI detectors. For English text, it also shows you text that AI models predict and and highlights overused AI words and phrases. Our advanced editing features let you finish everything by yourself.
Get suggestions for wording changes and humanization
The AI Eraser tool included with AI Detector Pro provides rephrasing suggestions for English text to lower the likelihood of AI detection in your document.
How does your content sound to the human ear?
Our tone map tells you when your document sounds like it was written by AI.

Make AI sound human

Research shows people prefer to read content that sounds human over content that sounds AI. Also, most people can tell the difference. If you’re a writer, AI Detector is for you.

Rewrite suggestions to humanize your text
Select any English-language AI generated text and AIDP can rewrite it for you. You choose what you want to rephrase.
Choose a confidence level
You can choose how much you want to change your text. Choose "more human" to make the AI more difficult to detect, or "less human" to make fewer modifications.
Get a tone analysis to determine how your document sounds
AIDP provides a tone report to help you ensure your document sounds human.

Find and wipe AI from any document

Our AI Eraser tool helps you find AI content and rewrite it


Simple pricing plans for everyone and every budget.

3 AI scans / month
0 humanizations / month
Scan-as-you-type AI detection* (beta, in document editor only)
Rollover your unused humanizations to subsequent months
Pinpoint editor
Tone analysis
Multilingual AI detection in English, Spanish, Portugese, Arabic and German
Word and Google Docs plugins
Data export
$27.98 $13.99 with 50% off code MSXOA3
per Month
$279.98 $139.99 with 50% off code MSXOA3
per Year
103 AI scans / month
Unlimited humanizations
Scan-as-you-type AI detection* (beta, in document editor only)
Rollover your unused AI scans to subsequent months
Rollover your unused humanizations to subsequent months
Pinpoint editor
Tone analysis
Multilingual AI detection in English, Spanish, Portugese, Arabic and German
Word and Google Docs plugins
Data export
$49.98 $24.99 with 50% off code MSXOA3
per Month
$499.98 $249.99 with 50% off code MSXOA3
per Year
Unlimited AI scans
Unlimited humanizations
Scan-as-you-type AI detection* (beta, in document editor only)
Rollover your unused humanizations to subsequent months
Pinpoint editor
Tone analysis
Multilingual AI detection in English, Spanish, Portugese, Arabic and German
Word and Google Docs plugins
Data export